Orange3 Story Navigator Add-on

Story Navigator is an add-on for the Orange3 data mining platform which is able to analyse Dutch textual stories using the lenses of narrative psychology, narrative analysis, and narrative theory. It provides a series of Orange widgets to generate, analyse and visualise quantitative information about an individual or collection of stories written in the Dutch language. The add-on makes use of lexicographic analysis and natural language processing methods. It is inspired by ideas concerning the decomposition of textual narratives into story elements or digital story grammar.
Story Navigator is developed and maintained by the Netherlands eScience Center in collaboration with researchers at the Department of Psychology, Health and Technology at the University of Twente.
See the Github repository for the source code and licensing information.

Getting Started
- Tutorial 1: Examining agency in a corpus of Dutch fairytales
- This tutorial is part of a series in which several workflows are presented that demonstrate the usage of the StoryNavigator widgets. These tutorials demonstrate how to use the StoryNavigator widgets in combination with other, pre-existing widgets available within the Orange platform and how to create output via tables or figures. Each tutorial answers a research question related to the narrative structure and contents of the corpus of stories.
- Interpreting the results and changing the set of agency words
- Tutorial 2: Analyzing evolving sentiment in fairytales
- Tutorial 3: Creating a radar plot for custom word categories in a corpus of Dutch fairytales
- Tutorial 4: Creating a radar plot for individual characters using custom word lists in a Dutch fairytale corpus
- Tutorial 5: Extracting story settings using the setting widget
- Tutorial 6: Examining tense distribution in a narrative corpus
- Tutorial 7: Clustering fairytales based on story settings